Holden filtered


Full-Stack Software Developer

About Me

I was introduced to computer gaming at a young age. I immediately fell in love and I owe my ability to maneuver a keyboard like I do now to all of the games I played for many years. My love for video games led me to building my first computer when I was 16 and have built four more from scratch since then. I performed well in mathematics throughout my schooling and enjoyed the logical thinking and problem solving aspect of it. I've also always been rather tech-savvy and intrigued by technology as it has progressed. After doing some research while working at Two Men and a Truck the summer of 2019, I attended a 3 week jump start course at Nashville Software School. I wrote my first line of code in September of the same year. I felt I found the path I'd been looking for, it quickly clicked with me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Having worked professionally at four companies of different sizes throughout my developer career, I look forward to what future opportunities have in store for me. I enjoy facing new business challenges and working towards ideal solutions for problems where needed.


Crypto Current

Crypto Current is an application used to help assist beginners looking to invest in crypto currency and have a place to go to make the right move. Crypto Current displays a line graph of popular crypto currencies (displaying Bitcoin by default) with corresponding statistics depending on the time increment selected to view. Users can post, edit, and delete their own messages on the public message board as well as follow users they find helpful. The "Following" page displays the usernames of who has been followed along with all their recent messages. Lastly, the "Crypto" page allows the user to add cryptos to their watch-list as well as favorite or visit recommended crypto exchanges.

  • Full CRUD React application utilizing React hooks to manage state
  • Displays real-time crypto data using a third-party API and ChartJS
  • JSON server used as a local database
  • Reactstrap used to assist in styling with CSS3


Front-Endeavor is an application designed for front end developers to have a virtual workspace to brainstorm ideas for on-going projects. The application allows any user to create a workspace for a project, adding any user to that workspace by searching by e-mail. Each workspace has a message board that any team member on that project can post text, an image and/or a URL link in a message for the rest of the team to see and comment on.

  • Full CRUD MVC application built with C#, Entity Framework, and ASP.NET
  • Using SQL Server as the local database
  • Utilized a Bootswatch Bootstrap theme for styling as well as added in the option for dark mode
Tech Stack





XML icon







Salesforce icon



Visual Studio


JSON icon


Postman icon


Contact Me

Email: parkerholdenw@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/holdenwparker/

GitHub: github.com/holdenprkr

Mobile: (629)-256-5976